Green: "Hi Red! What's up?"
Red: "You cannot believe the day I had!"
Green: "What happened?"
Red: "I went into a lighting shop and bought a lamp and asked for a light bulb to go with the lamp. Fine. the total came to $38.90. So I gave this lady sales person a $50 note. Guess what?!"
Green: "She gave you the wrong change?"
Red: "Right! But she made me look like I am the incompetent one! She gave me back $1.10 and I looked at her and said, "
You still need to give me $10." She then took back the $1.10 and gave me the 10 cents and said,"
$40," and then the $1, and said,"
$50." She did it in such a way that it made me doubt my arithmetic!"
Green: "What happened after that?!"
Red: "I looked at my receipt again and told her that $1.10 and $38.90 only makes $40.00 and she still owes me $10. It took her a few moments before she agreed with me and gave me a $10 note. Then she had the nerve to say that I have to give her back her $1 coin! Say what?! I told her,"
No! that is my money." Then she had to think for another few moments and then agreed with me!"
Green: "Was she a teenager?"
Red: "No she is in her 50s, I guess. That is what that got to me! She use the excuse that she must be tired! What rubbish! It was just late morning then."
Green: " Well, at least you got back your correct change."
Red: " That was not all! As I was walking away, I looked in the bag and did not see the light bulb so I turned back into the shop again! I asked the saleslady if she did put it in the bag and she said yes as she looked at the computer terminal and saw the light bulb and retracted and said,"
Oh, there it is!. Sorry about that!"Green: " If she makes so many mistake before noon I wonder what will happen later in the day!"
Red: "Not only that! When I got home, I found a sticker on the lamp which says
"Use only 40W light bulb". And she gave me a 60W!!! I had to go out to the shops to find a 40W as it was too far to drive back to get an exchange."
Green: "What a day! And all from buying a lamp!"
Red: "This incident reminds me of how important it is to know how to calculate on the spot or you lose out!"
Green: "I agree with you! Also, I think with the increasing use of plastic money, people are not even used to counting money or giving change anymore. Sad but true!"